Social Innovation requires discovery and sustainability along with the ability to generate disequilibria within industries. Find out more in this article.
Social enterprise—the use of market-based, civil society approaches to address social issues—has been a growing phenomenon for over twenty years.
Gathering essays by researchers and practitioners from around the globe, this volume examines, from a local perspective, the diverse ways in which social enterprise has emerged in different regions.
Each chapter examines the conceptualization, history, legal and political frameworks, supporting institutions, and latest developments and challenges for social enterprise in a given region or country.
In the final chapter, Janelle A. Kerlin presents a comparative analysis of the various models and contexts for social enterprise, showing how particular strengths in each environment lead to different enterprise initiative models.
Enterprise social networking is an organization's use of social media -- internally and externally -- to connect individuals who share similar business interests or activities.
Social Enterprise and Profit-Making for Nonprofits
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What is social enterprise? The term “social enterprise” was first used in 1975 to distinguish the types of marketing activities used by governmental and coop...
Supporting social enterprises while you travel is a foundation of responsible travel. But what are these businesses and how can you find them on the road?
ClearlySo defines social enterprise, social business, impact investing and more, looking at social impact and sustainability in business models
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Dana Brakman Reiser and Steve Dean, authors of recently released, Social Enterprise Law, discuss with Rick Alexander from B Lab a new kind of venture: social...
Textbooks for Change, a London-based social enterprise that has obtained the B Corporation seal for positive social and environmental impact, is seeking investors that would be helping the company expand.